생산 규격
MC Nylon Rod

MC Nylon Sheet

CNC manufacture is available in preferred sizes
MC Nylon
MC Nylon is an industrial resin manufactured by applying the caprolactam, a monomer of the NYLON-6 directly into the mold and going through anionic polymerization.
MC Nylon may be chemically similar to the NYLON-6, but as the molecules are larger and have a stronger crystalline strength, it is much stronger mechanically and is self-lubricative, being acknowledged as a substitute for metal parts.
Product Specifications
Advanced shock absorbant and soundproofing along with high abrasion resistance and durability, and is self-lubricative.
Good insulation and battery properties, and is quite durable.
Advanced corrosiveness, water-proof, and solvent resistant, and is mechanically strong.
Various screws, vehicle wheels, chain sprockets, rollers, liners, pallet, slide, guide insulation, sieve, star wheel, etc